Happy Earth day, sweet friend! This isn’t something I’ve chatted about in any serious length as of yet, but I definitely feel like it’s more than time for me to step in with my two cents. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am absolutely not perfect, but in addition to cleaning up my makeup bag, switching to a *mostly* organic diet (wherever it makes the most sense), and switching out all of our cleaning products for those of the more natural variety, watching my ecological footprint has become a massive priority for me and it’s one I feel very passionate about. I mean, it’s no secret that our world is hurting, and I figure it’s the very least I can do to do my part, no matter how large or small. I’ve slowly but surely switched out just about every disposable item in our home, and in light of today’s celebration, I thought it might be helpful to round up some of my very favourite eco-friendly products. I’ve been using a lot of these items for years now, and am happy to stand behind each and every one. Let’s take care of our earth one pretty eco friendly product at a time. Every little bit helps <3
Photo: Nowhere & Everywhere
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Great article. As I am an avid lover of eco-friendly products, I always use cloth bags for shopping and earthen pots for storing water.
Love it! Happy Earth Day!