Does anyone else remember those boxes of Lucky Elephant Popcorn that contained the most beautiful, most delicious collection of bright pink popcorn? When I was little, my grandmother would buy a single box for my 7 cousins and I and we’d be force to share. For those counting, and I know I did, that works out to about 9 pieces of popcorn per person. In other words, not cool grandma. So many mixed emotions! I used to live for the stuff. And of course, mom would never buy it for us, only grandma, which meant that it was extra special. Fast forward 20 some odd years, and I recently discovered that you can make it at home! Any time you want! I don’t know why this never occurred to me before. And this recipe? Well, it tastes just like childhood – only you don’t have to share.
Click below for the recipe…
Pink Popcorn
2014-02-12 14:38:50
Serves 4
Deliciously sweet popcorn that tastes just like childhood