
Jul 15

Should White Walls Match White Trim? Your Design Questions Answered

Photos: @heathertalbert | Design: @mymoderndom

We’re back with another “Quick Design Tip” and today we’re tackling the age old question “should white walls match white trim”? In short, yes. But also no (ha, do you hate me yet?) I mean paint, like many things when it comes to interior design, is pretty subjective and people will have opinions that reach far and wide on this particular subject.

But to keep things simple, when I’m designing a space all in white I *almost* always ensure the trim colour and the wall colour are the same. The designer secret? Simply switch up the paint’s sheen. You can read more about which paint sheen goes where in our last Quick Design Tip (here!), but for brevity’s sake – paint your walls in an eggshell finish, and paint your trim in the same colour but in a satin finish. You basically can’t go wrong!

Quick Design Tip: White Walls & Trim | lark & linen

So there you have it. Your white walls and your white trim should match.

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