
Mar 19

Sacramento Street Office

Sacramento Street Office Tour | lark & linen


I’ve admired designer Caitlin Flemming for as long as I can remember, and her blog is one of the only OG blogs I still check in with regularly. The woman is incredibly talented, and her ability to make a room feel infinitely cool, and casually collected, is the thing I admire most. Needless to say, while our styles are very different, they’re rooted in many of the same philosophies and she’s been a huge inspiration of mine since the get-go. So it came as no surprise to me that her new office is as lovely as she is. Here’s a quick peek at all the goods…

Sacramento Street Office Tour | lark & linenSacramento Street Office Tour | lark & linenSacramento Street Office Tour | lark & linenSacramento Street Office Tour | lark & linenSacramento Street Office Tour | lark & linenSacramento Street Office Tour | lark & linenSacramento Street Office Tour | lark & linenSacramento Street Office Tour | lark & linenSacramento Street Office Tour | lark & linenSacramento Street Office Tour | lark & linen


Photos: Vivian Johnson for Caitlin Flemming Design

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  1. ankit says:

    The interiors and the products used are so brilliant.. I get amazed looking at the ideas and time invested to create such master pieces which brighten up the office and make it look beautiful and professional at the same time

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