A free monthly desktop wallpaper brought to you by my sweet friend Saffron Avenue. Enjoy! xo
So, I can’t quite believe it’s almost officially summer! I don’t know about you, but I’m doing my best to enjoy the beautiful weather while we have it. Here in the midwest, summers are next level crazy. We only really have a handful of solid weekends of warm weather fun before the cold returns. With that in mind, lately my inner badass has been in full force – it’s all about hustling to get work done in time to enjoy the glorious weather. In that spirit, I thought it’d be fitting to share this simple message as a constant desktop reminder. x – Angela
Download wallpaper from month’s passed right here | Copy, Design & Styling: Saffron Avenue
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I’m i the midwest too, and you are so right – If we don’t make the time to enjoy summer it will be gone before you know it!
Its a hot one today. The dog is loving her little pool.
I love summer mornings when you can open the windows, sit down with a cup of coffee and get a few things done. I enjoy the same sort of thing at night. I don’t get much done in the middle of the day when its so hot. It works for me.
That literally sounds like my dream day!