{The Arkells concert at Jackson Triggs Winery}
This collection of photos right here is proof that you can’t always believe what you see online. With just four days left until we shoot our home tour, despite what the photos portray, this weekend was mostly spent prepping our place. I’m telling you, it has never looked better (and I’m so SO excited to share every last inch in the coming weeks). Though we did spend a good chunk knee deep in cleaning supplies and random household tasks, we somehow also managed to sneak in a handful of leisurely weekend activities. A Friday night in Niagara-on-the-Lake, a quick Saturday brunch followed (later) by a wonderful dinner, and a super slow Sunday morning were a great way to balance out our massive list of to-do’s.
{family dinner at Hillebrand Winery}
{messy hair don’t care}
{a fabulous dinner at Woods}
{a slow Sunday morning}
All images original to Lark & Linen
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