{deliciously mind-numbing reads on the dock}
I wasn’t able to get up to the cottage much in June or July, but I’m making up for it tenfold so far this August! Per my count, I’m 2 for 2 and have nary a complaint! This time, two of my girlfriends and I headed up for a weekend full of sunshine bliss. In dire contrast to last weekend, the sun was out in full force and it was the first weekend of the season that truly screamed summer. Truth be told, we barely left the dock. But when we did, it was for good reason (ahem: ice cream!) I’ve been feeling slightly under the weather for the last few days, and a couple of low-key lakeside days with my lady friends was just what the doctor ordered.
{the county’s slow taco = heaven}
{in my pj’s before the sun set}
Images original to Lark & Linen
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