So this may go down in lark & linen history as the most belated tasty treats post I’ve ever pulled together, but this recipe for a chocolate-chestnut mousse cake is so damn good that I thought it was well worth a share. I actually whipped it up for my family for Christmas eve and after licking the bowl clean (as in getting my face RIGHT in there), I was secretly hoping there would be leftovers for me to go to town on. There wasn’t. Not even a crumb. Insert sad face. The best part? There is zero cooking involved. None. Nada. Zilch. Hailing straight from Martha Stewarts new book (all about cakes!) I have happily added this bad boy to my official keep pile.
2 oz. bittersweet chocolate, melted & slightly cooled, plus more for shavings
1 1/2 cups heavy cream (make sure it's cold!)
24 chocolate wafer cookies
1. Lightly coat your 8" round spring-form oan with oil, line with plastic (ensuring you have a 4" overhang).
2. Toss the chestnuts into a food processor and grind finely.
3. Heat chestnuts, milk, 3 Tbsp. sugar and salt in a saucepan over med-high heat, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat once bubbles start to form at edges.
4. Whisk together yolks, cornstarch, and remaining 2 Tbsp. sugar in a medium heatproof bowl.
5. Slowly add hot chestnut mixture to yolk mixture, whisking constantly.
6. Return to pan and cook over med-low heat, whisking constantly for 2 minutes. At this point it should thicken.
7. Next, transfer the mixtures to the bowl of a mixer. Add vanilla and butter and beat on medium speed for 5 minutes or so, until cooled.
8. Stir half the chestnut mixture into melted chocolate.
9. Beat 1 1/4 cups of the cream until soft peaks begin to form.
10. Using a rubber spatula, gently fold half the whipped cream into the plain chestnut mixture and the other half into the chocolate-chestnut mixture.
11. Pour the chocolate mousse into the pan and then cover with 12 chocolate wafers, working in a circular pattern.
12. Add the chestnut-chocolate mousse, and another layer of chocolate wafers.
13. Fold the plastic overhand over top to cover and refrigerate overnight.
14. Uncover the cake, remove the spring form edges, and flip the cake upside down onto your cake platter. Remove the plastic wrap.
15. Beat the remaining 1/4 cup cream until soft peaks form. Add it to top of cake and garnish with chocolate shavings!