I couldn’t resist this compilation of totally girly images. Don’t they just make you all sorts of happy? In addition to these pretty photos, and before I take off for the long weekend, here are a few links I’ve been loving the past little while:
:: The most festive cocktail EVER
:: Matching ice cream (hint: funfetti is involved)
:: While we’re on this sweet train… the loveliest sugar in the world
:: 100 of the cleanest packaged foods
:: This is creepily accurate
:: 22 unbelievable places around the world
:: Awesome marketing (go Canada!)
:: The prettiest camera strap I ever did see
:: How to chose the right rug (seriously, it’s not as easy as you think!)
Plus, if you just haven’t gotten enough of me lately, here I am in two OTHER spots:
+ Crane & Canopy
+ The Littlest Things
Have a fantastic weekend my dears, and I’ll see you on Tuesday.
PS: A very Happy Canada day to all you canadian folks out there. XOX
Image Sources:
Photo of Poland from 79 Ideas | Blueberry Muffins from Moje Wypieki
Cocktail from Ginny Branch | Outdoor Seating from Colin Cowie
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