Today I’m thrilled to introduce to you one of my very favourite blogs: Reading my Tea Leaves. I’ve been following Erin for a long while now and her blog is one of the few that always seems to remain fresh, focused, informative and entertaining all at the same time (no easy feat!) Her eye for beauty is incredibly refreshing, her photography is stunning, often showcasing objects I would easily overlook. Her work has, without a doubt, influenced my own as she has encouraged me to look for beauty in unexpected places. Plus, anyone that can sing twinkle twinkle little star in Latin is someone I can get on board with. Without further ado, here are some bits and pieces of Erin…
::A random fact::
I can sing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, in Latin.
::Your go-to recipe::
Savory tarts. This is partially because I love any recipe that allows for the majority of dishes to be cleaned before the meal has been eaten, and partially because they are just so dang good. The trick? Make your own pastry. This tart with asparagus is incredible. (No.1)
::You can’t live without::
My camera. It’s beaten up and badly abused, but I love it dearly.
::Currently coveting::
These open oxfords from Marais. (No.2)
::Your daily reads::
The New Yorker and The New York Times. I really love reading blogs, but I love things printed on paper, too. (No.3)
::On your playlist::
Lately, there’s been a lot of A.A. Bondy. Always there’s Bob Dylan.
::Your favourite quote::
“All you can write is what you see.” –Woody Guthrie
::On your night stand::
Back issues of the New Yorker. Sometimes, it’s hard to keep up.
::Your favourite designer::
This one’s hard for me. I wouldn’t call myself a clothes horse, but I really appreciate a killer outfit. I love most everything that Courtney Lewis posts. Especially the backpacks. (No.4)
::In your wishing well::
Open a bed and breakfast. Start my own radio show. Publish something I can hold in my own two hands.
::Your dream home::
Loads of light and a big old kitchen table. Enormous enamel sink and fresh vase of flowers optional, but preferred.
::Your happy place::
Oceanside. (No.5)
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