found via Creature Comforts via Gifted
I know that many of you are severely opposed to the mention of Christmas this early in the game. “It’s only the beginning of November!” you say. So let me begin this post by apologizing. There. I’m Sorry.
Remember when I told you (just the other day) that Halloween was my favourite holiday (this post here)? Yeah. I lied. Sorry, again. Christmas is my bff. If I could become one of Santa’s little elves, trust me, I would. It’s the most wonderful, glorious, joy-filled holidays of the year! Plus, if you’re anything like me, you can make the spirit last for two whole months.
Last year at this exact moment, I was studying for my LEED exam until just a few days before Christmas (totally passed, by the by). As a result, I had my nose buried in books instead of whip cream laden hot chocolate and gingerbread dough. So as you can see, I need to make up for it double this year. I promise I will do my best to keep the Christmas posts to a minimum, at least until December (after that it’s fair game). But for now, I just need to get this out of my system. And as a thank you for letting me burst in Christmas tingle, I will share with you an online magazine that I stumbled upon that gives you a number of great, unique gift ideas. Not only that, but the photography is fantastic, there are over 25 free printable giveaways (gift tags and such) and all sorts of links to help you, too, get in the festive spirit. So head on over to visit Gifted magazine, so kindly brought to us by Creature Comforts blog.
Phew. Thanks guys. Now back to our regularly scheduled programing (ahem, until December).
ps. as of this morning, I’m in first place by just a smidgen for the Design Refuge challenge! Please take a moment and vote here, if you feel so inclined. You may want to check out the other blogs too, because there’s some good stuff going on over there!
This is so very exciting. It’s almost as exciting as when I got a ribbon for my kindernastics dance routine to the Hippy Hippy Shake when I was four years old. (note: everyone got a ribbon). You better believe I still remember that routine.
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