1. spooky candy apples – Matt Armendariz (via ABCD design)
2. trick or treat bar – Twig & Thistle
3. crow decor – Martha Stewart
4. dessert table – Twig & Thistle
5. candy apples – Nicole Hill Gerulat (via Design Crush)
6. halloween party invites – Brooklyn Limestone
7. candy cupcakes – Honest Fare
8. pumpkin – Weheartit
9. poisoned candy – Somewhere Splendid
10. a nightmare before christmas cheesecake – Weheartit
11. spooky rabbit – Weheartit
12. mummy cake – Sweet cupcakes (via black eiffel)
13. black kitten – hat + glasses
When I was a little girl, I struggled with the inner debate of which holiday I loved more. Really. This was a legitimate issue for me. Between Christmas, Halloween, and Easter, I’ve always enjoyed celebrating anything that focuses on treats, in present or chocolate form. Easter has long since fallen by the wayside, and come December I will surely change my mind, but for now, I am a Halloween advocate. Who doesn’t love an excuse to dress up in a silly costume, let their inner gore fly and find a real live excuse to drug themselves up on rockets and kit kats (organized based on type, naturally)! If the answer is you, well, we need to chat.
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