It’s no secret around here that I’m big into holidays (of any variety, really, I don’t discriminate). But now that I have a kid of my own, these things feel even more exciting than ever before. Last year, I was still in the throes of figuring out this whole parenting thing. My daughter was an adorable squishy blob who didn’t know what was what (and, if I’m being honest, I was essentially the same, ha) so halloween decorations were the last thing on my radar. But now that she’s older, and much more aware, I cannot wait to start introducing her to the festivities. We may or may have already bought some pumpkin sticker decals from the dollar store for her to decorate her bedroom window (of which she is very excited about), but I thought it’d be fun to round up a few other awesome halloween decorations – the ones that get my official stamp of approval.
Photo: The Makerista
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