I’ll be the first to admit that this vacation home is a departure from the typical home I showcase around here, but when I stumbled upon in a few weeks ago it made me feel both peaceful and inspired in the same breath, so I’m sharing in the hopes that it does the exact same thing for you. I simply love its eclectic nature, and can most definitely feel the heart and soul that has been poured into this place. It feels like a treasure trove of found goods and I, for one, am a fan. As we approach our upcoming summer vacations, I’m hoping to embody the effortless, yet infinitely chic, vibe that this vacation home denotes.
Design: Leanne Ford | Photos: Tessa Neustadt
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[…] post Take a Tour of This Effortless, yet Infinitely Chic, Cabin appeared first on lark & […]
This is everything a vacation home should be. I’m so tired of seeing hugely expensive houses with all high end city type decorating. Thanks for showing us a “real” cottage.
Right?? Im not going to lie, I LOVE a luxury cottage, but this definitely feels refreshing :)
[…] * Love, love, love all the gorgeous layers of texture in this cabin tour. […]