I’m certain, by now, that the vast majority of you have made good use of Etsy at some point in your life. While I could very easily wax poetic about how much I adore the resource, both from a consumer perspective and an entrepreneurial side, I have to admit that it does tend to have its flaws. Namely: the vast abundance of stuff that fills its pages isn’t always, shall we say, the cutest. In my experience, there are some pretty serious hidden gems within it, you just need a generous glass of wine, a little bit of patience, and some time to really get in there and track it all down. In light of spilling some of my designer secrets, following are 12 of my personal favourite Etsy shops, the best Etsy shops around as far as I’m concerned, that promise beautiful home goods each and every time.
ps: 12 of my favourite artists on etsy, too
Image Source: Paper & Clay
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