{Color Me Rad gear}
For Valentine’s Day this year, I surprised Justin with a year full of dates – a surprise adventure once a month every month until February 2015. On the roster for May: a 5k run with Color Me Rad! In a nutshell, it’s a super-mini marathon of the 5k variety in which every participant decks themselves out in white and people throw colourful powder at you throughout. Silly, but so much fun and pretty much the most epic way to spend a Saturday. In light of full disclosure, if you had asked me at the 4.5 K mark if I’d do it again, I would have had some very strong words for you. But now that it’s over I’m totally and completely on board. I feel like the same can be said for childbirth… right? But I digress.
The rest of the weekend followed suit with a handful of al fresco meals (including Thai takeout and boardgames on our own recently scrubbed balcony), and was finished off with a birthday barbecue for my brother. In other words? A pretty wonderful bright and shiny few days.
{the aftermath}
{scenes from Color Me Rad}
{sunshine & sangria}
{a scrubbed balcony, warm weather, and cocktails}
Images original to Lark & Linen
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