{lazy Saturday morning}
I can’t even begin to tell you how satisfying these last few days were. After giving up most every weekend for almost two months (thanks NCIDQ exam!) I knew I had some serious time to make up for, and make up I did. With romantic dinners with my mister and group dinners with good friends, followed by drinks at Bar Montauk and late-night dim sum in Chinatown. In addition, I somehow managed to sneak in FOUR naps (I totally have my black belt in napping) and didn’t get out of my pyjamas until 6 pm on Saturday. I read almost an entire book (Wally Lamb’s We Are Water, though not as enjoyable as his past books, is still a great read ps) and drank bottomless cups of tea. I suppose what I’m trying to say is that there are zero complaints to be had around these parts. How was your weekend? I’d love to know!
{birthday gifts for a wonderful friend}
{dinner at la Carnita. Advice: skip everything and go for the fish tacos & street corn}
{my little sister’s new pet}
{late night dim sum at Rol San}
Images original to Lark & Linen
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