{fact: tea tastes better in a golden mug – thank you sweet Monika!}
{pre-vacation mani-pedi’s at Hammam}
{slightly obsessed with Bag-All’s travel collection}
{list making for Mexico!}
{incredible brunch at Patria}
This weekend I…
. Wrote my final licensing exam (!!!) .
. Celebrated with cocktails .
. Went to bed at 9 pm and loved every second (#gettingold) .
. Met my cousin for the most insanely delicious brunch .
. Treated myself to a fancy mani-pedi .
. Cleaned the crap out of our condo – we’re talkin’ baseboards and all .
. Started packing for Mexico (T minus 2 days!) .
Your turn!
Images original to Lark & Linen
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