One of my favourite parts about blogging is the incredible people that you come in contact with that you may not have otherwise. Leah is no exception and I’m so thrilled to have her here today. Her blog Freutcake is equal parts pretty as it is inspiring. It’s filled to the brim with mouth-watering recipes and sweet collages all curated by none other than herself. Let me just say that she has some serious skill (seriously – just look at her recipes – I dare you not to drool) and you’d be wise to hop on over to take a peak at just what I mean.
And here are some bits & pieces of Leah:
::A random fact::
I’m actually not a chocolate person. Gasp! I know that sounds crazy, and, quite honestly, I hope you will forgive me for saying so, but I have always preferred fruity desserts to chocolaty ones.
::Your go-to recipe::
Oh gosh, this is hard to answer because I have so many go-to recipes! I do find myself making this recipe for Lemon Bars quite often. They are sweet and tart with a super buttery crust and one of my favorite things to bring to a party. Plus everyone loves them and always asks for the recipe! (No. 1)
::You can’t live without::
Hmm, my computer and iPhone would both be too obvious right? In that case I would have to say my nail polish collection. I actually look forward to painting my nails. It’s just something that makes me happy — choosing which color fits my mood. I love it. (No.2)
::Currently coveting::
At the moment I’m coveting this Milly poppy printed tote and a good old-fashioned Palm Springs getaway! I think the two would go together quite nicely. (No.3 & 4)
::Your daily reads::
Print wise; I am obsessed with reading Bon Appetit, Vanity Fair and Everyday Food magazine. My daily blog roll consists of Lark + Linen, The Faux Martha, Wit + Delight, Forgiving Martha, A Merry Mishap, and a new blog I just finished designing called Two Chums. All amazing sources of inspiration and a great bunch of ladies to boot!
::On your playlist::
My playlist looks something like this: Death Cab for Cutie, Coldplay, The Cure, Stan Getz and, if it’s a stormy day, Adele.
::Your favourite quote::
“I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”— Galileo.
::On your night stand::
I keep a bottle of water, my favorite hand cream, Carmex lip balm (that stuff is magical), a dozen books and my favorite Voluspa candle.
::Your favourite designer::
At the moment I have a serious design crush on Alvin Diec’s work. Not only is Alvin a rad dude and fellow food lover, his restaurant and gourmet food packaging designs are completely inspiring.
::In your wishing well::
Anyone who knows me will attest to the fact that I am a girl of many big dreams. As my Mom always says: shoot for the moon and you will fall amongst the stars. The bucket list is long but on it is a trip to England. I dream about exploring both London and the English countryside, soaking up as much of the British culture as possible and drinking far too much tea
::Your dream home::
A sweet little breakfast nook where Jason and I can sit each morning sipping coffee and reading the paper. I pinned this breakfast nook months ago and still find myself thinking about it. It feels like the perfect collection of art, color, pattern and whimsy. (No.5)
::Your happy place::
My virtual happy place is on my blog Freutcake. I get the same feeling there as I did as a little girl in my bedroom. It’s my space to be me, full of things I love, pretty images and my inspiration. I could play there all day!
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