Justin’s birthday streamers*
the St. Lawrence Market (in search of dinner fixins)
what eventually became dinner
wool socks & floor beds
This weekend we managed to strike that perfect balance between doing nothing and accomplishing plenty. On Friday, we celebrated Justin’s birthday surrounded by friends and family of the very best variety. He was spoiled. It was well deserved. Meanwhile, Saturday was dedicated towards kicking this head-cold I’ve been sporting straight in the kisser. We built a floor bed** and watched far too many terrible movies (seriously – movie recommendations people? I’ve had no luck in this department lately) and ate leftover cake until our stomachs hurt. It worked (thus proving my theory: cake cures all). Take that sinus’!
Oh, and then I got bangs (and glasses)!
Happy weekend indeed
*I stayed up late to decorate our bedroom door with streamers for when Justin awoke on his birthday. When got up the next morning he thanked me for his “door papers”. I love boys (and I’m particularly fond of him).
**a floor bed: one air mattress + all of the blankets and pillows you can find plunked in front of a television (or fireplace). Bonus points if you build a fort.
ps. Today’s the last day for the sneakpeeq giveaway!
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