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Are you as sick of this blogging hiatus as I am? I feel like I’ve been gone for a year and I really miss you guys! Things are slowly (emphasis on this) getting back to normal around here, thank goodness. So far I’m totally on top of all of my new-to-me projects at work, and we’re almost done decorating our new apartment too (::happy dance::)! Unfortunately in order to be on the ball I’ve exhausted almost every molecule of energy I own and I seem to be coming down with some sort of bug. I’m ignoring it though. Ignorance is bliss, right?! Anyway, I did not come back here with the intent to complain (although a little cuddle and a smidgen of sympathy never hurt anyone).
We officially move on march 19th and I’m so excited for life to get back to normal. I have a bunch of fun things planned for when I do return, so stay tuned.
In the meantime, it’s taking all my effort to not climb into one of these cloud homes. How fun are they?!
I’ll be back as soon as I’m able
xx Jacquelyn
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