Well, I’ve done it! The presents are wrapped and under the tree. I spent three consecutive hours wrapping 22 gifts with only one ice cream break. That alone deserves more ice cream, methinks. I’ve mentioned before that gift tags are important (here) but gift wrap is a whole new ball game. A few years ago I set the standard for wrapping my presents (I like my things pretty). Over the years, I’ve used homemade paper, craft paper and tin foil (yes, tinfoil) and people have begun to expect something fancy from me when they receive my gift. In fact, I’ve already gotten messages wondering what household item I’ll be using this year (tin foil was a bust btw). Well, this year I’ve gone au naturel with real wrapping paper (and leftover craft paper from years past)! I purchased stripped paper covered in cutout snowflakes (at Canadian tire no less), wrapped brown paper packages and tied em with string (um. twine. Thick, fuzzy, serious twine) and used homemade gift tags. I’m so very pleased with how they turned out. And because I love you guys, you can go here to download my gift tags for your own personal use. Simply print them out on some heavy letter paper, cut along the grey line, and tada! All done. Happy wrapping loves.
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