
Jun 11

The Sweetest Sign Of Summer

I used to be an absolutely terrible gardener, unable to keep even a succulent alive. For years, it was the one creative outlet I just couldn’t grasp. But now, it’s become my Roman Empire of sorts. My green thumb is something I’ve been working diligently on, and more recently, gardening has started to become a side passion of mine. While I’m under no illusions that I’m still not great at it, I’m pretty proud of how far I’ve come.

That being said, my four-year-old and I attempted to grow strawberries from seed this year, and it was a complete and utter fail. I thought it was going to be the greatest experiment, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be. So, although our garden will be void of strawberries this year, that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy them all the same.

In celebration of the sweetest part of summer, my dear friend Sarah Konyer has hand-painted this beautiful strawberry wallpaper so we can all enjoy its bounty. It embodies what I love most about the slow summer season, and I adore the little hint of whimsy it brings to my every day.



Download wallpaper from months past right here  | Design & Artwork: Sarah Konyer

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  1. Melissa says:

    i’m from Brazil and I love your wallpapers, every beginning of the month I visit the page every day and I just wanted to say THIS IS BEAUTIFUL.

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