Next up: stylish design gift ideas. If you’ve landed on this blog, I’m going to bet that your heart beats just a little faster at the sight of pretty things, much like my own. This gift guide is crafted for you and your design loving friends – fellow discerning connoisseurs of aesthetic delights (ha!)
From sleek home decor to next-level pretty accessories, this collection is a celebration of the prettiest of the pretty—the kind of gifts that help transform the ordinary. Whether you’re seeking to help enhance one’s living space or simply add a little extra beauty into a design lovers life, these stylish design gifts are curated to inspire and delight.
Indulge in the pleasure of gifting (and receiving! this could very well be a wish list as well – it may as well be mine). Because I believe that life is too short for the ordinary, and all of our surroundings deserve to be stylish.
Image Source: Salina Maria Home
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I’m not sure what is happening on your website but pictures are loading stretched out long. This has been happening for several months now. I don’t have this problem on any other website on my phone. Thought you might want to know.
Thank you so much Laurie! I believe we fixed it now – if you see it again please do let me know! This tech stuff is beyond me and I want to make sure it’s fixed across the board :)
Why do you link to shops that don’t ship to Canada?
Because 60-70% of my readerships is American. And you can use Cross Border Shipping to have anything you want shipped to you in Canada if you really want it