Remember when I mentioned I’m really good at dragging out my birthday? Well it’s true. On Tuesday I finally celebrated with my dad (he’s been more or less out of town the last month and yes, I had cake a cookie. with candles.), and this weekend I’m heading off to New York City with my mom! She surprised me with a trip for my birthday and I could not be more thrilled! So if you have any tips (restaurants specifically) I’d love to hear em’.
And while I’m gone, here are a few great findings from around the interwebs this week:
::If you haven’t already heard, Marcel the Shell is back!
::The cutest marriage proposal
::An amazing new-to-me graphic design blog
::I’ve forbidden myself to get festive up in here until December 1st (as to not annoy any grinchy readers ;)) but I couldn’t help but share this amazing gift guide. Promise, no more Christmas talk for another two weeks. Then it’s fair game.
::Also, the new Sweet Paul magazine is out
::These will be in my near future
::I could just eat them with a spoon. Watch this one too if you have some time (and haven’t already)
Have a great weekend my little kumquats!
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