images via lark + linen
This weekend I was able to knock a bunch of things off of my ever-growing to-do list. It felt good. On friday, I stripped out of my pretty clothes and into my working-woman ones in order to tackle the largest project on my list: make my pretty white antique cabinet more manly for my upcoming move-in with my boyfriend. I painted the exterior black and the interior is now this really fun coral (hey, a girl lives here too!) I must say, I’m so pleased with how it turned out (pictures to come). The unit currently houses my teeny old-school tube TV, but upon our move (and the purchase of a fancy new flat screen) it will become the home for both our linens and our liquor cabinet. You’d think the two are unrelated, but I happen to know that a pile of soft blankets is necessary after a few drinks. Seriously though, the reality is that we just have to get crafty now that our closet space is to a minimum (dang condo living). This unit will be perfect for its double-duty.
On Saturday, after a crazy delicious brunch at Table 17, my mom, sister and I ventured over to the Canon theatre to see Billy Elliott. I’ve been fortunate enough to have seen many shows/plays/musicals in my time, but I have to say that this one was definitely one of my most favourites. I laughed, I cried. It was beyond beyond. Beyond words even. The star of the show was a thirteen year old boy who had more talent in his pinky finger than the entire rest of the crowd combined. I’m not even joking. The kid could dance. He could sing. He could act. Did I mention he was thirteen? Thirteen people! Pretty sure I was still playing with barbies when I was that age (what?! don’t judge).
On Sunday Justin and I made huge headway in our search for apartment necessities. We found a really incredible industrial cart turned coffee table at a great vintage furniture store in Leslieville (it’s called Guff if you’re ever in the region!) Amongst a handful of other finds, we are well on our way to having a real-live, furnished, grown-up place. Hoorah!
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