I know. It’s true. Here:
How exciting is that? Very. That’s how. We have a fireplace guys. A fireplace! With real fire and everything! Maybe I’ll stop using exclamation marks now!
I feel like a huge weight has been lifted. I’m finally able to share the news with all of you. It’s been in the works for some time, but I wanted to ensure that it was actually for realsies going to happen before we went around gloating about it (aka smiling from ear to ear). We signed the lease on Saturday so now it’s officially ours. We have views of the lake, and of the city skyline. You can totally see the CN Tower from our future bed. Floor to ceiling windows you guys. It’s all so very exciting. And you know what? We have a dishwasher. Gone are the days of chapped hands. But for real, the best part? My current roommate is moving in with her boyfriend just around the corner! We may fasten ourselves one of those cup on a string phones so that we can still be in each others constant presence. I’ll keep you posted on that one. She has not been privy to this plan of mine yet.
I’ll miss living with a girl, a really great girl at that, as I hear boys have boy things and sometimes that’s pretty gross (hockey equipment anyone?). Also, word on the street is that boys have cooties. But I cannot wait to wake up to his face every morning. And force him to watch reruns of the Hills. And take naps during hockey games.
I hope to keep you posted throughout the trials and tribulations of our impending move. First up: how to decorate a large space with no money! Stay tuned.
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