Friday evening we packed our bags and made the long trek to Montreal. My roommate and I took off after work with tea in hand, and a playlist prepared. What was supposed to be a six-hour drive turned into eight when we realized we had to detour due to construction upon arriving in Montreal, and had no idea where we were going. Needless to say, we became incredibly lost and so frustrated that it turned into mini fits of giggles. By the time we arrived at the hotel, after quite the adventure, it was two in the morning (two hours later than anticipated). Delirious, we were told that there were no more available rooms, but that we could be upgraded to a suite! Naturally, we obliged and we must have been asleep before our heads hit the pillow because I do not remember crawling into bed.
Saturday morning we woke up bright and early to meet my brother for breakfast. After stuffing ourselves with waffles atop heaping piles of fruit at Le Grand Café, I ventured off to find myself a birthday dress. After 6 hours of no luck, I called it a day and headed to my brothers championship basketball game (of which they won!)
In the evening, after much deliberation due to exhaustion, we decided that although the thought of pj’s, our king sized hotel bed and a pay per view movie was incredibly appealing, we refused to get old and we were going to go out! We met my brother and his friends at Macaroni bar (of which there was no macaroni, only expensive drinks and really short dresses, harumph). A late night ensued, and we woke up Sunday morning somehow feeling refreshed (see?? not old yet!) After a brisk walk through Old Montreal, followed by an incredible crêpe breakfast, I headed out yet again on my dress adventure. This time, I had my game face on. I powered through the stores and came out with the most incredible black dress I’ve ever owned. And bonus? It was half off! All the more sweeter.
Naturally, I celebrated with Turkey. You see, my brother goes to university in Montreal and happens to be on the basketball team. Every year, they have a tournament that falls on Thanksgiving weekend. Because we don’t have the heart to let him celebrate the holiday alone, for the past few years my mom and I have brought Thanksgiving to him. We have to eat off of paper plates on our laps in an apartment maintained by three boys (read: boys have cooties), the food needs to be picked up at the caterers (last year we attempted to make it ourselves in his kitchen, and due to a power failure, it was a disaster zone), and we may have to share it with a group of 6’6″ basketball players, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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