
Aug 15

DIY Vow Books


Photo: When He Found Her | Calligraphy: Becca Joas

I have so much that I absolutely can’t wait to share with you guys about our wedding (spoiler alert: it was wonderful in every sense of the word). And I promise it’s all coming, but in the meantime, I wanted to share a particularly special DIY that we quickly tackled before our big day.

Have you heard of a vow book? Essentially, it’s simply a little booklet to house your most treasured words long after your wedding day. And, you guys, it has very quickly become one of my favourite details. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve already flipped through this precious little book. It contains some of our most thoughtful memories, and treasured words, and I know it’s one of those things I’m going to savour for the rest of our days. I highly encourage one of your own (even if you’ve already tied the knot!). We’re sharing the steps, including the free printable, so that you can make one of your own below. 

Note: if you do tackle this bad boy, please share on Instagram using #LarkandLinenDIY – I’d love to take a peek at your results0009-JacquelynandJustin-DowntownTorontoWedding-ThopmsonHotel-ColetteCafe-WhenHeFoundHerFineArtWeddingPhotography 0013-JacquelynandJustin-DowntownTorontoWedding-ThopmsonHotel-ColetteCafe-WhenHeFoundHerFineArtWeddingPhotography





“Our Vows” free template
5×7″ Handmade paper for book cover
5×7″ Gray paper for book interior pages
1/4″ Silk Ribbon (we cut down this silk chiffon ribbon to that width)
Bone Folder tool
White embroidery thread


1) Download the “Our Vows” template from Becca Joas Calligraphy. Print out onto handmade paper. Be sure to set your printer to the size of the handmade paper and the thickest paper setting. It may take a few tries to get your printer to cleanly pick up the paper.

2) Use a ruler to mark 0.25″ on all four sides of the gray interior paper pieces. I used 3 pieces of paper but you can use as few or as many as you like.

3) Place the ruler firmly on the pencil line and gently rip the edge off the paper on all four sides, giving a lovely hand-torn edge to the paper and ensuring the interior page is smaller than the book cover. Repeat for the remaining interior pages.

4) Fold the “Our Vows” cover page in half and use the bone folder to cleanly press the fold. Fold the interior pages in half and cleanly press the folds. Place the interior pages inside the book cover.

5) Thread the needle with the white thread and knot one end of the thread. Open the paper pages to the center page. Press the needle through the paper pages, starting at the bottom of the fold in the innermost page and go all the way through the outside cover.

6) Push the needle back through the pages (from the outside cover in) at around halfway up the spine of the book. Turn the needle around and push it back through (from inside to outer cover). Finally at the top of the book spine push the needle through again (from the outside cover in), knot the thread, and trim any excess thread.

7) Tie 1/4″ thick ribbon around the spine of the book. Knot the ribbon on the outside of the spine and leave two long trailing tails of ribbon. Repeat steps 1-7 for a second book for your spouse-to-be.

8) Write your vows inside the books and exchange at your wedding ceremony.

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