
Jan 14

Life, Lately: A Cozy Holiday at Home & A New Year Getaway

Happy New Year, friends! Is it too late to say that? It’s been a minute since I last popped in here, and I didn’t want to jump straight back into regular content without first wishing you a beautiful start to 2025 and sharing a bit of life lately.

{above: Mount Baker, Washington}

We spent Christmas cozied up at home, soaking in all the little moments that make the season special; my daughter’s excitement over Santa, slow mornings in pyjamas, and more than our fair share of cheese & chocolate. After the holiday, we snuck away with our family to visit my sister in Vancouver, followed by a Mount Baker New Year getaway in Washington. The mountains and surrounding area were breathtaking; healing, even. A truly wonderful way to ring in the new year.

{all things cozy & warm}

The trip was exactly what we needed to reset and recalibrate. Visiting my sister, a few days in the mountains, hiking, and what can only be described as nature on steroids has left me feeling more grounded and hopeful for what’s ahead.

I hope your holidays were everything you needed. Here’s to a joyful, magical 2025! And here’s a peek at the last few weeks, in photos.

ps: more travel & personal posts here

{my winter uniform}

{holiday lunches}

{learning to skate}

{cluny’s viral smore’s hot chocolate}

{Christmas morning breakfast for my 4 year old}

{hiking in Vancouver}

{ reunited with my sister <3}

{ x2}

{Mount-Baker bound}

{the views from our cabin}


{the family cabin we rented in the foothills of the mountain – 10/10}

{nature on steroids}

{from this to this in 20 mins}

{ slow mornings >>>}

{filled with cheese <3}

{& ice cream (the bessssst)}

{10/10 – the best boots that got me through it all – wind, rain, snow… comfy, light weight, warm. Perfect.}


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  1. Hey Jac! Happy New Year Dear, love the mount baker it looks sooo amazinggggg, you know i also want to go over there and eat vanilla ice cream, soo happy to see you over there and enjoying, love your outfit specially faux fur coat, looks cozy and aesthetic, thanks for sharing dear.

  2. Estela says:

    Magical and inspiring ✨
    Happy New Year Jacquelyn and your family. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’•

  3. Tinamarie says:

    Where at in Vancouver?

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