I’m so pleased to be able to introduce Tobe and her blog, because it’s awesome, to you today. Tobe holds a special place in my heart as the more we get to know each other, the more we realize that we are secretly the best of friends who have unfortunately been born miles apart. She oozes humour, talent, style, class and a refined eye for all things fabulous. I feel confident when I say that you will love her as much as I do.
And here are some bits and pieces of Tobe:
A random fact::
people are often surprised to learn that i’m a hardcore rap and hip hop fan … that genre of music just energizes me.
Your go-to recipe::
i’m actually getting ready to start packaging my own salsa! the husband and i have chips and salsa for dinner at least three nights a week. (No.1)
You can’t live without::
i need three! chapstick, my laptop and red wine. (No.2)
Currently coveting::
new bedding. i’ve never had a better night’s sleep than when staying at hyatt hotels. i’d love to have every last bit of their bedding and linens so i can sleep like a queen every night! (No.3)
Your daily reads::
lark & linen, of course! seriously, i’m not blowing smoke. you’re one of my favorite people in blogland. other current faves are desire to inspire, small shop, my favorite and my best, bijou and boheme and pinterest (that’s not technically a read, but i’m addicted!!)
On your playlist::
i have had nicki minaj on steady rotation all summer. her style is so upbeat and unique; i can’t get enough of it!
Your favourite quote::
was printed on our wedding invitations. it is honestly something i value with all of the relationships in my life :: “Oh, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring them all right out, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them, keep what is worth keeping, and then, with the breath of kindness, blow the rest away.” -George Eliot
On your night stand::
i’m just now reading the first Harry Potter! sad, right? i haven’t seen any of the movies, either, so i’m really excited to get through the series and then proceed to have one serious movie marathon.
Your favourite designer::
that’s an impossible question. there are so many! my mom has always been a huge inspiration….i’ve also long loved ryan korban, angie hranowsky, david jimenez, melanie acevedo and kelly wearstler. (No.4)
In your wishing well::
i’ve been lucky enough to do a lot of them, but i can safely say that i will never run out of places i want to visit and/or go back to. Italy is tops on my list right now. i’m also just a few hours away from having my private pilot license, so would love to get that wrapped up. then i’ll be just one lottery ticket away from being able to fly my own plane :) (No.5)
Your dream home::
lots of light, comfortable and stylish furnishings, an open layout for entertaining, and is manageable to keep clean.
Your happy place::
i could really be anywhere as long as i’m with the people i love. my world truly revolves around the people in it. i’m really, really blessed.
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