Somehow we have spent eight entire months loving on our sweet girl who is now officially on the move! She has *sort of* begun to get up on her hands and knees, but mostly resorts to army crawling. Her ability to get around this way is actually quite impressive. She is quite literally all over the place, attempting to climb just about anything she’s able, and has most definitely proven that she’s going to be a bit of a handful. I’ve been tempted to wrap her in bubble wrap on more than one occasion, but for the most part it’s a whole lot of fun watching and encouraging her independence.
In addition… our sweet girl doles out kisses like it’s her job and they are the slobberiest most delicious baby kisses in all of the land. She has been known to suddenly tug my hair hard with both hands in an attempt to bring my face closer to hers to lay one on me. She is deceptively STRONG and one day we may have to teach her the art of subtlety, but for now I’ll take her aggressive kisses any hour of any day.
She’s also learned to wave and I never knew that these things could be so exciting. Elmo, and Mr. Noodle’s poodle Schmoodle (ha) continues to be amongst her top five favourite things in the world. Anything that encourages her love of dogs and furry friends is fine by me. She still adores the dog park and sits there giggling as Sage plays with her fluffy counterparts – it’s actually the best. A girl after my own heart!
In addition, we had our first fever this month which came seemingly out of nowhere and left just as quickly with no other symptoms. It wasn’t easy, and definitely threw Justin and I for a loop, but I’m pleased to say that we handled it like champions. Just another notch on our ever growing parenting belt! Strangely, we were at the cottage when it occurred and while we’ve been spending a ton of time up there these last few months I had never packed (or used, for that matter) her thermometer until this instance. For some reason, just before we left, and days before the fever occurred, I had the instinct to tuck it in her suitcase at the last minute. I think that mother’s intuition is the most profound thing and continues to prove to be absolutely fascinating.
Unfortunately sleep continues to be a pretty major “issue”. And with all of these developmental milestones, in addition to a pretty intense leap, we’ve been faced with some pretty major sleep progressions. Our girl still won’t nap for longer than 30 minutes at a time, and refuses to be put down while she sleeps, so we resort to a ton of contact napping. I’m not going to lie, while it would be nice to have nap time to ourselves, I know that one day soon she won’t need as much support to catch those z’s and I know we will miss it. So we continue to relish her adorable snuggles and know that this, too, will pass (and quickly, if the last 8 months are of any indication). The good news is she’ll now allow other people to support her while she sleeps so it does give me a bit of a break now and again, which is really nice.
At the risk of sounding cliché, she really and truly is the light of our lives and is the best thing we’ve ever (ever) done. Here’s a peek at our incredible 8 month old.
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She is adorable. Our family is blessed by the existence of this little human. We are in love💕.
Thursday afternoons belong to Nana and Ivy!!!
I luff her!! xoxo
Ivy is so beautiful and sweet. What a blessing she is. Thanks for sharing her with us.
She is just a doll. Love her hat!
Now the fun begins !!! Once independence kicks in, you are for a bumpy ride, but oh you will have a blast, enjoy every minute, time flies when you’re having fun💕💕
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