
Nov 3

Scenes from my Week

wedding dress hangerThis week is particularly exciting for a multitude of different reasons. First and foremost, I’m going wedding dress shopping with my mom and Maid of Honour today (what!). But, even more importantly, my (future) sister in law is getting married tomorrow. Needless to say, this weekend will be filled to the brim with celebrations, and I absolutely can’t wait. As always, here’s a peek at my week in photos. Have a lovely weekend!

{above: the prettiest wedding detail: a delicate hanger for my dress}

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{just-because surprise flowers from my future Mr.}

pretty halloween decor

{halloween remnants}

gift box

{assembling a box filled with my favourite Canadian goodies for a faraway friend}

sources: candle | chocolate | maple syrup | tea

dog halloween costume

{someone wouldn’t wear the cherry to her ice cream costume}

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  1. Aunt Donna says:

    Have a wonderful time shopping for your wedding dress, Jacquelyn. How exciting! You will look beautiful in anything you choose.

    Aunt Donna

  2. Seems like you had a lovely week! Hope that the one to come will be as sweet as this one! :)

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