I apologize for the radio silence around here while I was away in Europe. I had every intention on popping in a time or two at least, but alas life took hold and I just went along for the ride. While I was still pretty active over on Instagram (you can follow along here, if you’d like), it felt good to disconnect a little more than usual, and really and truly live in the moment.
Our two week trip abroad was absolutely incredible, in every sense of the word, and i’ll be sure to share every last detail in the coming weeks – including where we ate, where we stayed, and what’s absolutely not to miss. So if that’s of interest, be sure to stay tuned. In the meantime, it’s been bottomless mugs of tea in between Sage snuggles around here as we attempt to get back on track, and combat the last lingering bits of jet lag. As always, here’s a peek at my week, in photos. And thank you for coming back despite my neglect around here lately! I’ve got lots of exciting posts lined up for the coming weeks, and I’m feeling all sorts of inspired and reinvigorated – ready to share. Enjoy your weekend, lovelies.
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Definitely some gorgeous scenes of the week. It’s certainly nice to unwind and recuperate after a busy week (and even a holiday!). It’s nice to come home to your own furniture, bed, dog and comforting surrounds. Spending time on your interior and all the small design features is all key to creating this inviting feel.
Thanks Sarah! It definitely feels good to get back into the swing of things, but the post vacation blues are for sure a thing :)