To say that things have been busy would be a massive understatement. The last two weeks have been an absolute whirlwind of activity, and while I’ve been hanging on for dear life and enjoying the (beautiful) ride, I have to admit that I am pooped. Like, full on zombie mode all day er’day type pooped… To the point that I missed my Wednesday post! Do you know that in my history of blogging (hi, 6 years!) I have not missed a single day that wasn’t a holiday or pre-planned vacation? All good things are happening, both on the business front and the personal front, so I’m letting this one slide. But I apologize, and I can’t wait to fill you all in as things start to unfold. In the meantime, I’ll be attempting to take the next few days to rest and recharge, likely with some sort of ice cream or, more realistically, a freezing cold alcoholic bevy in hand.
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