{my cousin and I throughout the years}
In just over 24 hours my cousin, and dear friend, will be walking down the aisle. Having beeen practically attached at the hip for the vast majority of our lives, there’s no denying we’ve had our fair share of adventures over the years. But this one adventure she’s about to embark on? Well I’m pretty damn excited about it. So pardon me if this is brief, but I have a bride to dress, some champagne to drink, some lipstick to apply and some serious celebrating to do! Before I go, here’s a peek at the rest of my week (in photos, of course).
{my sister’s birthday gift: a recipe box filled with some of my go-to’s (this one definitely made the box)}
{scenes from the Farmer’s Market}
{pulling schemes for Project: Dream Client}
{cleaning my pearls for the wedding}
All images original to Lark & Linen | See other Scenes from my Week right here!
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