
Apr 18

Inspiration: Lived In from The Veda House


Hey guys, Cassie from The Veda House here while Jacquelyn is off in Mexico! As a photo stylist, I live in a world where everything has it’s place and fits in just so. If it is not all tidy, it’s “made” to look messy. Authentic messy is hard to capture authentically, especially with participants who are willing to share.

I find myself pinning a bunch of images that capture the everyday beauty of messy and getting inspired as I do so. I strive to be a little more OK with a blemish here and an out of place plant there, but it’s tough for an compulsive organizer. The more I pin beautiful images, the more it’s ok right?

How do you keep your home? Lived in or tidied just so?

You can browse my Pinterest board for more lived in inspiration!

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Copy & Curation: The Veda House | Bedroom Photo: Kara Rosenlund | Plant Photo: James Fitzgerald | Baskets : Coulerur Locale  | Kitchen Corner Photo: Freunde Von Freunden | Mantel Photo: Nicole Franzen

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