Friday night, after stuffing ourselves with inexpensive sushi (isn’t that the best kind?), we headed over to the Pilot to celebrate the 25th birthday of one of my most wonderful friends (and luckily for me, a pretty awesome co-worker too!). After a few too many cocktails and late night macaroni and cheese (always a tradition at our place). We packed it in for the night.
The next morning, I found myself with the place to myself (which doesn’t happen ever! We have an open door policy around here with a lot of welcomed visitors). I lounged on the couch, sipped some homemade chai tea and watched a few hours of mind numbing television. It was wonderful.
Later in the evening, my boyfriend and I headed over to my aunts place to celebrate her 60th birthday. My grandparents flew down for the event, and we found our whole family together for the first time in forever. We celebrated in the backyard, by the pool, with a small group of people and a whole lot of love. As an aside, the party was catered by a small bakery on Carlton street called Daniel et Daniel. If you ever get the opportunity, go. The food is incredible, innovative, homemade, fresh… and the staff is fantastic (and not too hard on the eyes – bonus!).
Sunday was spent in typical Sunday fashion. I caught up with some of my lady friends at the Red Tea box for high tea and fancy desserts. And in the evening, my boyfriend and I took advantage of Summerlicious at a cute Italian restaurant just North of the city.
After a wonderful weekend, I’m feeling under the weather this morning with a vicious headache that won’t seem to let up. I’ll be taking the afternoon off to nurse my poor head and catch up on some sleep. Here’s to starting the week off on the right foot ;)
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