This certainly would have come in handy during my electric blue legging incident (read: experiment) of oh-nine. It’s a website where you upload a picture of your outfit, and then wait for legitimate feedback and honest advice on said outfit. You can block out your face as to remain completely anonymous (and not feel like a total dork; unless someone recognizes your neck or wrist, but that would be weird… Carrying on). I scrolled through a number of posts, and the comments I’ve read are actually helpful, not hurtful. I like it! Maybe eventually I’ll stop voting on other peoples outfits, and actually get up the courage to upload my own. I’ll keep you posted on that one though (hah).
Go here to check it out.
ps. I’m debating about posting a picture of the night of the electric blue leggings. Thoughts? It’s bad guys.
And because I, personally, dislike posts with no pictures, here is a completely unrelated photograph of a pretty french building (I know you liked that segue).
found via Simply Seductive
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